
Database testing has gained a lot of importance in the market. Check out some of the important elements to include in Database Testing Checklist. Most of the organisations prefer having a regular activity. Thus, it has helped a lot of people to take up as a career. Why Data Mapping in selenium database testing required? […]

The success of a Web Application doesn’t end with its development. Every Web Application must needs verification. It has to analyze for its working and the purpose. Know the Difference between functional and non functional testing for web apps before starting a project. To declare an application fit for the market, it undergoes creative and necessary tests. […]

With a plethora of Software Testing techniques at hand, Grey box Testing tools unfolds itself with a set of principles from both White Box and Black Box Testing tool techniques. It is important to understand as to what is grey box testing before studying about tools. This blog explains, why, what and how grey box […]

How Jenkins trigger builds remotely Firstly, we have to setup your Jenkins server, so jenkins trigger builds remotely. To do that start your Jenkins server & login from Web Interface. Then, set up your Jenkins Global Tool Configuration. Click on Jenkins (under header) > Manage Jenkins . Now go to Manage Jenkins Page and click […]

Pre-requisites: Java installed in your system where Jenkins server will run. It will be useful to have Maven installed in your system where Jenkins server will run. If you are going to use Git, GitHub, Bitbucket as your source code repository then Git should be installed in Jenkins server. You can Download Git from here. Also, […]

Jenkins is a server which executes automated tests headless. For running Jenkins on a local system we have to start the Jenkins server, OR we can also use Jenkins as Windows service. Therefore, whenever we boot Windows machine, Jenkins service will automatically start and we do not have to start the Jenkins server again and […]